
The HemDonER is a Cloud Based software, designed to manage plasma donor center activities such as donor eligibility, unit suitability, packing & shipments (units and samples),sample management, device management and training management.
The HemDonER software provides management controls and information services modules that have been designed to assist personnel in the operational core functions in the company’s plasma donor centers

This software encompass:

  • Kiosk
  • Donor Identification
  • Donor Registarion
  • Donor Assessment
  • Physicals Assessment
  • Phlebotomy and Unit Processing
  • Stock Management
  • Samples Management
  • Instrument Management
  • Administration
  • Queue Management
  • Donor Payments
  • NDDR/CDCS Interface
  • Dashboard
As a modular application, HemDonER modules can be activated based on client requirements on a demand basis. Many optional modules that enhance the core functionalities are available.

Contact us

Contact us for more information at info@edonorsoft.com